Program title: Cooperation as a tool to improve farmers' welfare in Moldova (phase II)
1. Program objectives
Overall objective
Well functioning coops contribute to the overall welfare of Moldovan Rural Communities
Specific objectives
The cooperatives are well managed and have extensive input in increasing the quality of services provided to their members
2. Program activities
22 beneficiary cooperatives under the project are divided into 3 groups: (1) 8 cooperatives created with the support of CSV in 2008, (2) 12 cooperatives created and/or developed with the support of CSV during 2006-2007, (3) 2 cooperatives created in 2009. The project action plan is divided accordingly for each group of cooperatives in line with their requirements and needs.
8 cooperatives created with the support of CSV in 2008 need more technical assistance because these are new cooperatives, created just in the second half of the year and they have not benefited from the package of services foreseen by the project and designed for institutional and business development. The main activities for these cooperatives are:
- Conduct the company's SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- Design an action plan to eliminate weaknesses through concrete measures, fixed deadlines and responsible persons.
- Draft and approve, upon need, internal operational documents: regulations, contracts, statute amendments etc.
- Design the company's business plan by attracting, upon need, credits for the development of the company.
- Provide advice on financial and fiscal issues.
- Train the administrative board and the employees in management and development of cooperatives.
- Organize experience sharing with similar cooperatives to compare their activities and to apply their best practices.
- Organize business visits to establish commercial relations, identify potential partners and conclude contracts.
- Participate in specialized exhibitions to promote cooperatives and to identify suppliers of means of production.
- Participate in study tours for training and experience sharing.
- Participate in the National Conference „Cooperation of agricultural producers in marketing - a solution for accessing markets" by sharing the success achieved by cooperatives, problems faced and identifying solutions.
- cooperatives created and/or developed with the support CSV during 2006-2007 benefited from the originally required package of specialized technical assistance stipulated in the project.
The main activities can be summarized as follows:
- Provide advice on financial and taxation issues, as required.
- Provide advice and specific training, as required, throughout the activity of cooperatives.
- Organize experience sharing with similar cooperatives to compare their activities and to apply their best practices.
- Organize business visits to establish commercial relations, identify potential partners and conclude contracts.
- Participate in specialized exhibitions to promote cooperatives and to identify suppliers of means of production etc.
- Participate in study tours for training and experience sharing.
- Participate in the National Conference „Cooperation of agricultural producers in marketing - a solution for accessing markets" by sharing the success achieved by cooperatives, problems faced and identifying solutions.
The main activities for 2 cooperatives created in 2009 include 5 stages, according to the AGROinform methodology for organizational and business development:
- Create a common vision.
- Assess the members' motivation and their economic potential.
- Identify commitments.
- Specific planning.
- Implementation.
The action plan for Regional organizations selected for project implementation during 2009 includes:
- Promote the program in the region among ROs members and non-members.
- Identify innovative farmers and entrepreneurs with potential for cooperation and support in preparing grant applications.
- Support in implementation of the project action plans.
- Support in drafting business plans: data collection, micro market studies in the region.
- Logistical support for the national staff in organizing local training events.
- Monitor the cooperatives benefiting from the project and supervise the use of grants allocated to them.
- Monthly reporting and planning, quarterly reporting, in line with activities.
At the national level, apart from the above mentioned activities, the following actions are planned:
- Promote the project results - by PR specialists at national level through AGROMEDIAINFORM newspaper and other mass-media and regional organizations through regional mass-media and in other activities. In particular, the promotion will focus on highlighting success stories and the project impact.
- Develop and manage the internal monitoring system - by AGROinform management, project management and regional directors. The system includes activity reports of cooperatives, ROs analytical and financial reports, annual analytical project report. Also, a national workshop will be organized with the participation of beneficiaries to evaluate the project and a report will be prepared for this workshop.
- Organize the national workshop for project evaluation with the participation of beneficiaries and prepare a report on its findings.
- External evaluation of the project, to be organized by donors.
- Participation of the project beneficiaries in the Annual International Agribusiness Forum, held in Kiev, Ukraine will be organized as an alternative, if the grant component will not be approved by the SCC.
3. Expected results
The foreseen objective and activities will be relevant to the achievement of results for all coops categories specified as direct beneficiaries of this project:
- Increased turnover from the coops services by 25%
- Increased number of new members by 20%
- 100 employees and members of the coops increased their knowledge in business administration
- At least two proposals taken up by the Government in improving the policy framework for coop development
The outputs planned under this project are as follows:
- Twelve coops improved their business and increased management capacities
- Eight created coops in 2008 are institutionally established and start to run their business
- Two new coops created;
- AGROinform ROs increased their knowledge in coop development
- At least two proposals taken up by the Government in improving the policy framework for coop development