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The National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova AGROinform is a non – governmental organization, non-politic which is carrying out its activities allover the country. The Federation has started its activity in 1998 with the idea to offer to the agricultural producers information and consultancy in technological issues, land relations, farm management, access to credits, farmers cooperation and marketing.



The basis of AGROinform have been laid within the TACIS project „Information campaign on privatization and restructuring in agriculture" implemented in the period 1998-2001 with the goal to create 10 information and consultancy centers. In 2000, at the initiative of 13 non-governmental organizations from different regions of Moldova, the National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova has been founded. As an outcome, in 2000-2003, the basis of the Federation organizational structure has been set. This period has been characterized by the expansion of the network of member – organizations as well as increase of number of the farmers-members of the Federation.

In the period 2004-2006, as a response to its members' requirements and in accordance to the Federation development strategic vision, the phase of continuous development of the networks and institutional strengthening has been sustained. This phase has been focused on providing extension and promotion services, information related to the process of agrarian sector reformation as well as on a rapid increase of the number of member-organizations located allover the country.

The period 2007-2009 has been oriented on ensuring the sustainability through diversifying commercial services, creating a reserve fund and cost efficiency activities. Moreover, this period was characterized also by the adjustment of the activity strategy for a more efficient representation of the members' interests and developing the network capacities in lobby issues.

In the upcoming period, AGROinform is aiming to become a more professional organization, to attract more members in the network both farmers, entrepreneurs and organizations.

Vision, mission, values

Vision – the National Federation AGROinform aims to create a favorable framework for sustainable rural development, enhance the capacities of rural entrepreneurs and their affirmation on the external markets.

Mission - The National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova is a network of 15 regional organizations that support the sustainable economic development of rural communities by providing complex assistance in business development and marketing, advanced technologies implementation, as well as representing the interests of its members by promoting policies for sustainable rural environment development.

Values - Professional competence, accountability towards members, openness and client-orientation, equality respect, team harmony, positive public image, representation power, shared results, sincerity, and respect towards identity and autonomy of the regional NGOs from the AGROinform network.

Organizational structure

The National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova AGROinform is a non-governmental organization which was registered in March 2000 and is representing the interests of 15 regional NGOs that unite more than 4500 members - market oriented farmers and entrepreneurs. The Federation is a decentralized structure, where the regional organizations have an independent legal status and are very flexible in reaching the farmers' and targeted community needs. At the same time, maintaining a permanent dialogue and co-working relations among four levels: local, regional, national and international.

70 staff members are actually employed in AGROinform network: executive directors, marketing specialists, economists, accountants.

The national level team consists of 15 staff members organized in 4 departments:

  • Marketing and Agribusiness
  • Lobby and Networking
  • Farmers' Cooperation
  • Financial Administrative 

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